Sunday, November 13, 2011

Some of the Benefits of Kevlar Tactical Gloves

Thinking that any pair of gloves will protect those little sausages attached to your hands is the same as thinking that a pair of tennis shoes will protect your little piggies in a steel just isn't going to happen.

Kevlar was developed by DuPont in 1965 and was first commercially used in the 1970's as a replacement to steel in racing tires. Since then the uses of Kevlar have expanded and continue to do so to this day. It can be made into yarn, fiber, paper and building material for home/commercial construction. The real limitation is the human mind.

Law Enforcement first saw this wonderful material used in bullet proof vests. Although there had been "bullet proof vests" prior to 1976 (medieval Japanese used heavily reinforced silk garments as soft body armor), it wasn't until the late 19th century that the U.S. started to see soft body armor. Flak Jackets in the 40's, 50's and 60's were a great addition to the military when under fire but it was not only too bulky for every day law enforcement use, but too expensive.

So, how many people do you think would shoot themselves because they truly believed in their product? Richard Davis sure did. His company Second Chance has been a leader in soft body armor since the 1970's.

Do you think he is nuts? I don't. He knew what he had and he believed in it. He didn't just say, "hey, this works!" he said "let me show you how it works." Talk about testicular fortitude!

When it comes down to our hands, it is just as important to protect them. Kevlar Tactical Gloves does just that. They protect your hands. With the likelihood that we will be cut during a pat/strip search, or searching an area, or having to defend ourselves against someone who has a weapon is extremely real. Check out this review and demonstration of a pair of kevlar tactical gloves:

See what I mean? If you don't use protection you may find yourself in trouble. There are some added benefits as well to kevlar tactical gloves. They can be used not just in law enforcement, but every day life. If you work with sharp objects you can use them. Many of the styles out there on kevlar tactical gloves are also heat resistant or fire resistant as well.

Use protection! If steel workers all wear safety toed boots, why don't we all wear kevlar tactical gloves?

What's your excuse?

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