Wednesday, December 5, 2012

I Am Not An Expert

Let me start off with this: I am no expert. Seriously, how could I be? I am constantly screwing something up. 

Let’s go with some facts here real quick:

1.       I am better at some things than most people
2.       People are better than me at some things
3.       I have life experiences that no one else has
4.       Everyone has life experiences that I don’t have

With that being said, how could I be an expert? I am not. The first thing that a person MUST do is recognize their weaknesses. We all have them. Some people just refuse to acknowledge them. I know what my weaknesses are. Not only have I found them be trial and error, but also by introspection and because I have sought the feedback (brutal in some cases) about what others see as my weaknesses.

I don’t do it to get any attaboys, but because there are things that I don’t see and others do. I am not better than anyone and have never claimed to be. The only way that I can improve myself is by seeking the input of others. There have been many times in which I ended up with egg on my face and had to eat a very healthy slice of humble pie. Did it suck? Sure did.

For the longest time I allowed my ego to get in the way. Once I saw how damaging that was, I vowed to myself not to let it happen. Has it been hard? It sure has but I assure you that it has been worth it every step of the way.

As human beings, we must re-evaluate ourselves and be our own worst critics. This does not mean that you do things to lower your self-esteem. On the contrary, by doing this you can raise your self-esteem and achieve things that you never thought that you could do before.

There will always be someone that tells you that you cannot do something. Just because they can’t do something does not mean that you can’t. Maybe they didn’t try. Maybe they tried and as soon as they came across a hurdle they stopped. Maybe they just didn’t want to try. Just because they can’t, doesn’t mean that you can’t.

The greatest satisfaction that I ever receive is when someone tells me that I can’t do something and then I prove to them that I can. As far as I’m concerned, I can’t only means I Can Always Never Try.

Do me a favor, leave that line of BS for someone else, stop making excuses, get off your ass and (like Nike) Just Do It!

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