I still can't believe that the year is almost over! Where has this year gone? There have been many things that have been happening this year here for us, and they have been great. We have you to thank for that.
Since this will be our last newsletter for the year, and according to some, the last Christmas we will have (Damn you, Mayans! - we will be talking about you again on 12/22/12), we wanted to share some holiday tips with you.
- If you must drive, don't drink. But if you must drink, don't drive. We want to see you again next year.
- When out doing your last minute shopping, be aware of your surroundings while walking back out to your vehicle.
- Do not leave packages in plain sight while shopping. You don't want to give anyone a reason to break into your vehicle to take those presents you just bought with your hard earned money (just send the money my way...I'll give you my deposit info if you email me :)
- If you have a natural Christmas tree, make sure to keep it watered. A 3" trunk requires at least 1 gallon of water per day. "Chestnuts roasting on an open fire..." is means the fireplace, not the whole house.
- Make sure you check all your Christmas lights for any signs of fraying. Exposed wires are not a good thing, especially if you forgot to water the tree.
- Since we all love our families, and spending time together with them during this time of year is a joy for everyone since they are all sane, leave all arguments back at home.
- If you absolutely must get into a fight, make sure that you leave before the cops get there (just kidding! Don't get into the fight...)
- Remember, every day is not only a blessing, but also a gift. Do not take those you love for granted today for they may not be there tomorrow.
- No gift is too small. Sometimes the best gifts that we ever get are not the ones that are bought, but the ones that are given with the greatest gift of all...pure, unadulterated love (think about the homemade gift that your child made for you, or you made for your parents...get it?)
From all of us to all of you, thank you for all that you have done and continue to do.
Have a Merry Christmas and a wonderful New Year!